Congregational Meeting Following Worship This Sunday

March 16 in the Sanctuary

Approve the Mission Study Completed by the PNC (Pastoral Nominating Committee)

Your Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) has been working hard to prepare the Mission Study Report for First Presbyterian Church, Durango. The report is intended to be a comprehensive, unvarnished description of the state of our church and its mission.
Your Session has reviewed and approved this report. The next step is for the PNC to offer it to the congregation for your review and approval before we send it to the Presbytery Committee on Ministry. Congregational approval is an essential step in the process of looking for our next pastor.
With Session’s approval we have called a Congregational Meeting for next Sunday March 16 immediately following worship for the purpose of hearing from the congregation and requesting congregational approval of the Report so the PNC may move forward in the search process.
A pdf of the report is attached. Please try to take the time to review it in advance of the meeting and bring any questions or comments you may have to the meeting next Sunday. The PNC thanks you in advance for your interest and participation as we pursue the work of discerning who the Lord will call to be the next pastor of FPCD.

Click HERE to read or download the document