Letter from Pastor John Welton

Dear friends,

This week we will move deeper into Genesis 37. We find Joseph beginning to own the name “King of Dreams”.  Joseph, as young as he is, shares his simple dreams with his brothers. Who are amazed that Joseph would share these dreams that aggrandize himself.

When we are young our dreams are simple. It is probably why we remember them later into life. The dreams of the young are also very elemental. We remember perhaps in a dream we got a second helping of Grandma’s pie. We were frightened by nameless and shapeless forms that chased us. We could not explain why we needed a nightlight, but we got one.

Joseph, will share dreams form everyday life. The chore of the wheat harvest working with his brothers. He shares a dream perfect for a summer night when we stare at the moon and the stars. In time the dreams will become more complicated and Joseph will be able to translate them. Some will be pleasant and others frightening as the God of all that is seen and unseen whispers in the night!

